? HR & Associates, Inc. | Book Keeping and tax services
Bookkeeping and Tax Services Group
Our clients include individuals, sole-proprietorships, partnerships, S-Corporations, and limited liability companies. Our services are tailored to each client’s specific needs and we offer FREE initial consultation.

Bookkeeping Services

Whatever your accounting requirements are, we offer a complete line of services to chose from. We can design a bookkeeping package which includes the services you want or we can handle your bookkeeping needs entirely, from start to finish.

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Tax Services

Our Tax Services Group is built on over 25 years of experience in providing customer with leading solutions for tax preparation, electronic filing, and financial services.

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If you have a new idea to tell us, or just need to hear a friendly voice feel free to contact us anytime.
Phone: (469)693-8049
Fax: (707) 734-881
E-mail: info@hras.us